About Us

BSRIA Inc., located in Chicago, Illinois, USA, is a wholly owned subsidiary of BSRIA Limited with headquarters in the UK.

BSRIA is a leading global provider of regularly released authoritative market reports and hot topics, in addition to custom studies and management consultancy, for the past thirty years. A wide range of published solutions includes: Heating and Renewable Technology, Ventilation, Air conditioning and Refrigeration, Energy and Smart Buildings, Structured Cabling, Lighting, Security, Fire Detection and Building Controls.

BSRIA publishes overviews as well as in-depth style market reports and undertakes custom projects for its client base across the Americas. Our multi-lingual staff and local partners have industry expertise with many years of market intelligence experience.

Market intelligence assists with strategic planning, product development and keeps you abreast of the latest trends and market developments in your industries.

Find out more about BSRIA Inc.'s staff and expertise.

Contact BSRIA Inc.

For more information contact our office: t: +1 312-753-6803 e: sales@bsria.com