Wind turbines

BSRIA monitored the performance of 75 installed small wind turbines

Small wind turbines are being actively promoted to householders by various manufacturers and installers, the cost of the installation being partially offset by a grant from the Energy Saving Trust.

BSRIA and the University of Southampton were commissioned by the Energy Saving Trust (EST) to assess the performance of small wind turbines in-situ and the installation/topographical factors that lead to better or worse performance.

The study consists of monitoring up to 75 wind turbines, of various sizes and manufacture, over a period of 12 months. It includes single building mounted turbines, turbine arrays and pole-mounted turbines from 2kW to 19.5kW.

BSRIA has been contracted by EST to install monitoring equipment for the turbines in various parts of the UK including Northern Ireland. Data collected during the study will be analysed by the University of Southampton and the overall results presented to EST at the end of 2008.

For more information visit the Southampton University web site.

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