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Maintenance and FM guides
Statutory Compliance Inspection Checklist (BG80/2023)
by David Bleicher (May 2023)
This guide supersedes BG 80/2022 Statutory Compliance Inspection Checklist. It lists all the tests, checks and inspections that are required on building services systems required by legislation, Approved Codes of Practice and/or supporting guidance. In addition to the spreadsheet, the guide includes general information about legislation in the UK and guidance on how to use the spreadsheet.
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Statutory Compliance Inspection Checklist (Superseded) (BG80/2022)
by David Bleicher & Nick Blake (March 2022)
This guide has been superseded by BG 80/2023. BSRIA’s Statutory Compliance Inspection Checklist is a spreadsheet listing all the tests, checks and inspections that are required on building services systems required by legislation, Approved Codes of Practice and/or supporting guidance. In addition to the spreadsheet, the guide includes general information about legislation in the UK and guidance on how to use the spreadsheet. This guide is aimed at facilities managers.
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Handover Information and O&M Manuals (BG79/2020)
by Nick Blake (August 2020)
This guide replaces BG 1/2007 Handover, O&M manuals and project feedback. It covers the various documentation delivered and activities carried out at handover of a building, with particular focus on operating and maintenance (O&M) manuals.
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Handover Information and O&M Manuals Set (HOM1)
by Jo Harris, John Sands, Nick Blake, Salim Deramchi & Wilson A (July 2019)
This set comprises three publications: BG 26/2011 Building Manuals and Building User Guides, BG 78/2021 Project Information Process and BG 79/2020 Handover Information and O&M Manuals.
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Soft Landings Set of 5 guides (SL5)
by BSRIA (September 2017)
BSRIA's set contains 2015 GSL guide, How to Procure Soft Landings, Soft Landings Framework, Soft Landings Core Principles and Pitstopping guides
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BIM Guides set (BIM1)
by John Sands (March 2017)
This set comprises three BSRIA guides that help with understanding of BIM processes, covering classification, specifications and a roadmap for corporate BIM strategies.
Digital download
Maintenance Contracts: A guide to best practice for procurement (BG 66/2016)
by Godfrey K & Groen (November 2016)
This guide is aimed at helping clients, facilities managers and their organisations to understand better the key success factors in procuring maintenance contracts
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Hard copy
Business-Focused Maintenance (BG 53/2016)
by Jo Harris (May 2016)
Business-focused maintenance (BFM) provides a methodology for utilising maintenance budgets more effectively. The 2nd edition includes the latest methodologies for organisations to maintain critical assets effectively while other less critical assets are managed as well as possible within budget.
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Carbon and Cost Analysis Set (CC1)
by Churcher D, Jones C. - Editors Lowrie F. Tse P & Prof Hammond G (March 2016)
BSRIA's set of three guides covering carbon, cost and environmental analysis. Contains Life Cycle Costing (BG 67/2016), Life Cycle Assessment (BG 52/2013) and Embodied Carbon – the inventory of carbon and energy (BG 10/2011).
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Life Cycle Costing (BG 67/2016)
by David Churcher & Peter Tse (March 2016)
This guide replaces BG5/2008, Whole Life Costing and presents a simple process for the calculation of life cycle costs. Life cycle costing complements the move towards use of information models to improve asset and project management.
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Hard copy
Soft Landings and Government Soft Landings (BG 61/2015)
by Ashley Bateson (August 2015)
This briefing note provides an overview of the Government Soft Landings (GSL) policy and a comparison with the BSRIA Soft Landings Framework.
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Building Performance Evaluation in Non-Domestic Buildings (BG 63/2015)
by Michelle Agha-Hossein, Sarah Birchall & Saryu Vatal (August 2015)
This guide explains how to use Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) to address issues of inefficiency and user dissatisfaction. It is a general introduction to BPE, and explains why it is important and how it can be carried out.
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BIM Roadmap (BG 60/2015)
by John Sands (May 2015)
This guide will help an organisation to chart or map their corporate BIM strategy (which meets the Level 2 requirement by UK Government) via a number of clear steps. It will put all the concepts such as PAS 1192-2 into a common framework to demonstrate how they relate to each other.
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Legionnaires' Disease - Operation and Maintenance Log Book (BG 58/2015)
by Reginald Brown & Salim Deramchi (May 2015)
Legionnaires' Disease - Operation and Maintenance Log Book covers the recording of operation and maintenance data for risk systems. It includes a selection of editable forms for common risk systems that can be used to create the log book and covers the latest standards and guidance.
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Legionnaires' Disease - Risk Assessment (BG 57/2015)
by Reginald Brown & Salim Deramchi (February 2015)
This guide provides a framework for a legionella risk assessment. It replaces AG20/2000 and has been updated to take account of later standards and guidance documents including the 2013 edition of the Approved Code of Practice and Guidance (ACOP) and associated guidance (HSG27)
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Legionnaires' Disease set of 2 guides (LWT2)
by Reginald Brown & Salim Deramchi (February 2015)
This set contains Legionnaires’ Disease – Risk Assessment (BG 57/2015) and Legionnaire’s Disease – Operation and Maintenance Log Book (BG 58/2015). Save 30% by ordering both guides together.
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Illustrated Guides set of 2 (ILL)
by David Bleicher & Peter Tse (May 2014)
Set of two guides, Illustrated Guide to Mechanical Building Services 3rd Edition and Illustrated Guide to Electrical Building Services 3rd Edition. Provides basic reference information on mechanical and electrical building services systems for construction clients and building operators.
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HVAC Troubleshooting (BG25/2014)
by Ralph Bell & Salim Deramchi (February 2014)
HVAC Troubleshooting guide replaces the previous edition AG 25/99 and provides step by step procedures to identify and solve problems found in typical HVAC systems. Covers refrigeration, ventilation, heating and common items.
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Asset Management and Maintenance Audits (BG 24/2012)
by Bell R & Harris J (July 2012)
Effective management of assets requires feedback. A well planned audit will check management systems and maintenance to identify any deviations and make any necessary corrections. This publication provides guidance on types of audits, the audit process and also the role of an auditor.
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Condition Surveys and Asset Data Capture (BG 35/2012)
by Bell R & Harris J (January 2012)
This guide replaces Condition Survey of Building Services AG 4/2000 and is aimed at those who have the responsibility for maintaining buildings. Maintenance is vital to ensure a building can operate in accordance with its core function and also plays an important role in reducing...
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Thermal Imaging of Building Fabric (BG 39/2011)
by Pearson C (October 2011)
This guide includes information on updates to building regulations, advances in camera technology and improved methods of analysing images. It aims to help people involved in constructing, owning and operating buildings with thermal imaging.
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Building Manuals and Building User Guides - Guidance and worked examples (BG 26/2011)
by Deramchi S, Harris J & Wilson A (July 2011)
BSRIA's latest guidance aims to help those responsible for creating the building log book and the building user guides. The complexity of modern buildings demands that we all have a greater understanding of how to operate buildings to achieve the optimum benefits and cost...
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Soft Landings for Schools Case studies (BG 9/2010)
by Bunn R & Usable Building Trust (October 2010)
There is a major policy imperative to make buildings perform radically better and much more sustainably. It will be impossible to meet these expectations reliably unless the service given by the construction industry also changes, with more focus on actual performance in use....
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Handover, O&M Manuals, and Project Feedback (Superseded) (BG1/2007)
by Bunn, Hastings & Pennycook K (October 2007)
This publication has been superseded by BG 79/2020 Handover information and O&M manuals
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